Quickly locate emergency childcare in your locality or if you are seeking short term well paid work in childcare, register with ParaNannies.
Welcome to ParaNannies
ParaNannies is a unique online resource providing access to a emergency short term childcare from qualified childcare practitioners to babysitters.
Families & parents
ParaNannies is a quick 24/7 childcare search resource for emergency childcare when and where needed. You can also advertise positions for a an affordable fixed fee, starting as low as £5. However, expect to pay a higher negotiable hourly rate for short notice available childcare.
Looking for babysitting or short term well paid childcare work? Expect to be paid more for emergency childcare provision than long term childcare.
It's free to register and upload your CV to ParaNannies. You can also search and apply for advertised jobs in childcare and be contacted by parents in need of emergency childcare.
NB If you are under 18 you need parental consent to register on this site – please tick the box indicating you have consent.